Thursday, June 23, 2011


For someone who does not do weepy clingy well ... I mean I don't want to be harsh and try hard not to ever ever be but I really don't do weepy clingy IRL women well and I am mostly talking about a few (NOT ALL) of my experiences in outreach were often times we are taken in with so many sob stories -- for example it took me three times giving the same woman train fare and bus fare before figuring out it was the third time she came with the same story of the deceased mother she had no money to go out of town for the funeral of until another worker told me she had been in the day before with the same old same old...... I have one or two reactions depending on the situation ... if it is drama or croc tears related or just exaggerated hysterics I will still try to console but I can't help thinking to myself 'oh please stop it already' ... or if it is genuine ... cases that are truly genuine you can feel the tears/pain/happiness whatever here I am all consoling and before you know it I may be crying right along too not even thinking about doing so....

Well ... that is not even the point of my thread ... you all forgive the verbose... I am old and my mind wanders .. shoot that is a lie ... my mind has been wandering from birth IMO LOL....

This is the thing though ... WHY .. CAN ONE OF YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHY? feeling as I do as my first paragraph here I am early this morning bawling my eyes off at the dumbest thing .. but it made me cry ... have any of you ever cried over some dumb shiat? but it broke my heart a little bit though and it make me just plain ole CRY...

This is the story.... every.single.time I give my ferrets a treat ... oh and my boys and girls LOVE treats ... my dwarf ferret Chiquitita would diligently take her first treat and walk it up the stairs in the cage to the uppermost compartment and gingerly place it between the folds of a blanket that is layered up there and folded in fours ... between the two top layers and the bottom layers she has build up a stash ... it is a ritual I have watched her doing this for the past month or so .... I know the stash is there and I do not touch nor remove it when cleaning ... she knows where her stuff is and she goes and gets it when she is ready....

This morning as I was giving them their treats Chiqui kept jumping and grabbing my hand as if wanting to tell me something .... she wrapped her front legs tight around my hand and pulled in the direction of the bottom part of the cage with the open door that leads into the compartmentalized cage ... she wrapped and pulled ... so I looked in the direction of the cage as she wanted me to do then she runs up to the uppermost compartment and shrieks and looks at me and shrieks ... I am noticing a bump in the blanket ... WHERE SLINKY FOUND HER STASH AND ATE IT ALL ... CHIQUI LOOKED AT ME WITH HAUNTED EYES THAT HAD A QUESTION MARK THAT SAID WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????? AND HER EYES WERE SHINING AND THIS BIG OLD FOOL THAT I AM STARTED CRYING ... BECAUSE IT MADE ME FEEL SO BAD THAT SHE HAD WORKED SO HARD TO BUILD UP HER STASH AND HERE CAME SLINKY AND ATE IT ALL ... JUST LIKE THAT ....

I held Chiqui... she loves that ... and I petted her ... and gave her another treat ... and here she went again to the door and up the stairs and all the way up the the uppermost compartment of the cage and I watched her gingerly hide her treat this time on the opposite end of the blanket... and I thought to myself ... here you are tearing up like a jackass and Chiquitita has it all figured out ... she counted her losses ... shrieked for a moment and is right back to starting to building up another stash ... LESSON LEARNED from a dwarf ferret....

Chiquitita up to hide her stash...


Thanks to my beautiful DD all my fellows and girls are running around in flower leashes that DD ordered at were we get awesome prices on treats and more...

Finigan loved his ... he was even sharing kisses... this is Finigan with my DD

Here is my beautiful last addition to the fur circus Finigan-Beau ... he is sure looking like a flower pot LOL

Here is Finigan-Beau with his sister my lovely dwarf ferret Chiquitita and yup the baby is already bigger than her...

Life got in the way and I have neglecting my blogs a bit but I will be back posting more because I have it all captured in pictures and videos ... just got to make the time to transfer it all...